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Best Nootropics 2019 – Reviews, Tests and Compares


Here’s list of most popular and interesting Nootropics Reviews at

1. Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is one of the best optimized formula about improving: Memory, Mood or mental performance. It’s also has Free Shipping over The World.

Mind Lab Pro has 11 nootropics ingredients working via 6 bio-pathways to optimize a wide array of cognitive functions.

If you’re looking for the convenience of an effective “ready to go” preformulated stack that is designed by experts, look no further, Mind Lab Pro is one of the best.

Read my Mind Lab Pro review for more detail

Also, you can visit Mind Lab Pro website for even more information Buy Mind Lab Pro

2. Adrafinil

Adrafinil is classified in the category of eurgeroic nootropic. When recalculated in the liver, it turns into modafinil – makes both drugs worthwhile for people looking more awake. Adrafinil, unlike modafinil, is not regulated in the United States and can be purchased privately without the need for a doctor’s prescription. Due to hazing, the drug has some undesirable side effects. therefore, should be taken with caution before taking the drug.

Originally developed as a sleep disorder treatment, its effectiveness as a stimulant and its proven nootropic benefits are making it increasingly popular with students, shift workers, and others who are interested in extending alertness while operating at peak cognitive performance.

Unlike amphetamine, caffeine, and other traditional stimulants that work by increasing overall psychomotor activity, adrafinil targets specific areas of the brain to selectively increase the availability of several crucial brain chemicals. Adrafinil works more gradually, providing a “smoother” energy. Its effects wear off more gently than other stimulants, eliminating much of the “rush” and rebound “crash” typical of amphetamines.

Modafinil is now branded as a separate drug and is only needs script in the US. Adrafinil is sold without a prescription.

3. L-Theanine

By nature, L-theanine is an amino acid resembling glutamate, a neurotransmitter of the central nervous system responsible for the transfer of impulses between nerve cells. Penetrating through the blood-brain barrier, L-theanine promotes the activation of thought processes, stimulates the production of the “happiness hormone” of dopamine and thereby increases mood and resistance to stress.

Stress is accompanied by narrowing of blood vessels and increased heart rate. By acting on the autonomic nervous system, L-theanine helps to cope with a strong palpitation and prevents an increase in blood pressure.

For many people, changing weather is a test for the body. L-theanine reduces meteozavisimost, helps to overcome drowsiness and increases mental activity during the period of climatic fluctuations.

L-Theanine for overcoming anxiety and improving brain function
The main cause of development of anxiety disorders and depression is the violation of the metabolism of dopamine and serotonin in the brain. As studies have shown, L-theanine is able to increase the synthesis of these mediators and have an anxiolytic effect, that is, to reduce anxiety and improve mood.

For people suffering from excessive anxiety, it is especially important that L-theanine calms, but does not cause drowsiness, on the contrary, increases the activity of the central nervous system, helping to cope with everyday affairs.

Studies show that the properties of L-theanine can be valuable for patients who underwent a cerebral stroke. The activation of processes in the central nervous system contributes to the restoration of speech and memory.

L-Theanine for improving sleep quality
Chronic sleep disorders, such as prolonged sleep, frequent night and early awakenings, significantly affect the quality of life, cause daytime sleepiness, provoke the development of obesity, diabetes, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.

Being a natural relaxant, L-theanine, without causing addiction and daytime sleepiness, helps to get rid of nervous tension and anxiety, which facilitates falling asleep, improves sleep and allows the body to fully relax.

Fortunately, caffeine + L-theanine is available in premeasured capsules, delivering the right dosages in the right ratio.

This combination is safe, effective, very well tolerated, and is considered as an excellent introduction to the effectiveness of nootropics.

4. Lion’s Mane Mushroom

Lion’s Mane Mushroom (Hericium Erinaceus) is an edible mushroom used in Asian cuisine and as a traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of a variety of ailments. Extracts from lion’s mane mushrooms may be beneficial in the treatment of anxiety and depression

Recent clinical trials suggest that the Lion’s Mane Mushroom extract has significant neuroprotective qualities, and is effective in the treatment of mild cognitive impairment.

The considerable nootropic capabilities of Lion’s Mane have been largely linked to the discovery of its ability to promote Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) production, a protein that is crucial for the survival and function of nerve cells. Increased NGF in the brain may enhance cognition by reducing inflammation, encouraging neural growth, and improving overall brain health.

Research shows that Lion’s Mane Mushroom reduces neurodegeneration and encourages neural regeneration, making it a valuable adjunct treatment in cases of nerve damage and raising the possibility of its viability as a treatment for neurogenerative ailments like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Stimulating the production of Nerve Growth Factor are believed to encourage the spontaneous repair of damaged neurons.

Lion’s Mane Mushroom is also thought to be a mood booster that is effective in the treatment of depression and anxiety. Though the exact mechanism of this action is not entirely understood, it is believed to be separate from the production of NGF.

In a small Japanese study, women with a variety of health complaints, including menopausal symptoms and poor sleep quality, ate cookies containing lion’s mane extracts or placebo cookies for 4 weeks. The participants who ate the extract reported lower levels of irritation and anxiety than those in the placebo group.

If you’d like to enhance your mood and cognitive capabilities while protecting your brain, Lion’s Mane extract may be the nootropic for you.

5. Coluracetam

Coluracetam is a member of the racetam family of nootropics. Racetams act largely by increasing your cognitive activity by Acetylcholine in it.

It is a derivative of piracetam, but unlike other racetams that use up the brain’s supply of choline as they improve cognitive capabilities, coluracetam works more indirectly, mainly by increasing the amount of choline available for the brain to work with.

Coluracetam has been shown to improve high-affinity choline uptake in the brain, effectively enhancing choline synthesis. A sufficiency of choline for conversion to acetylcholine is essential to cognition, and animal studies have shown that a single dose of coluracetam improved learning impairment in brains that were exposed to neurotoxins.

While research on coluracetam is ongoing, it shows tremendous promise as a long-term cognitive enhancer, with potential as a treatment for depressive disorder, neurodegenerative diseases, and even as a brain health protectant.

At present, its nootropic capabilities are largely undocumented by research, but many users report improved cognitive abilities, including memory and learning capacity. There are also anecdotal reports that coluracetam brightens mood, reduces anxiety, and promotes feelings of calmness.

Coluracetam is a real new discovery and much remains to be learned about its effects and mechanisms of action. However, it is generally considered to be safe and well-tolerated when taken in moderate dosages.

If you’re looking for something new and exotic to add to your nootropic regimen, coluracetam could be just in real need for you to give your Nootropic stack to the boost you are in search for.