The drug was created in Russia, and its development was conducted in the USSR. It so happened that our country some time ago was extremely interested in increasing the intellectual abilities of its citizens, to take the same phenibut and phenotropil as medications for cosmonauts or Semax as a help to the MSC. Noopept was no exception, however it was patented only in the mid-1990s.
How does Noopept work?
In general, noopept is a bunch of amino acids: glycine, prolyl and ether – a phenylacetyl group, which, as it turns out, work synergistically (1 + 1 = 3). To a greater extent, we are interconnected by the spill and glycine bundle, since the phenylacetyl ester is a simple prolongation (prolongation) of the action of the first 2 amino acids.
So, you took a tablet of N-phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine (Hope), it’s in your stomach. Then comes the product of “digestion” or, in scientific terms, the metabolite of noopept – cycloprolyl-glycine. It is then absorbed into the total bloodstream, then easily passes the BBB (brain defense system, antivirus) and enters the brain.
- The action of acetylcholine on receptors is increased. About acetylcholine is described in detail in an article with pyracetam, briefly recall that it is a neurotransmitter that is produced in the brain cells in response to new experiences or training, and is responsible for them. Noopept improves the functioning of the neurotransmitter, which “helps” you to learn new things.
- A group of scientists (RV Ostrovskaya, YV Vakhitova and others) at the Institute of Pharmacology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences carried out a study of noopept on rats. 16 rats were divided into groups of 8 and for 28 days one of them was injected with noopept.
The results showed an increase in the protein product of the neurotrophic factor NGF and BDNF, in the hypothalamus by 70% and 60%, respectively, as well as the growth of BDNF in the hippocampus by 15%. Increase of BDNF mRNA in the hippocampus by 124%! What does it mean?
Increase in NGF protein secretion (neuronal growth factor). This factor at the root breaks the once-established system of “Nerve cells do not recover,” nerve cells or neurons are not simply restored, but also new ones are created!
Increased secretion of BDNF protein. Stimulates the development of new neurons, “builds” a springboard for them.
Increase in BDNF mRNA (where growth is 124%). This means that the body at the biological level notices the change in BDNF.
The hippocampus, briefly, is part of the brain responsible for the formation of emotions and long-term memory. Gitothalamus is the part of the brain responsible for the normal production of hormones in our body.
We unite: noopept “pumps” the brain in the departments associated with hormones, emotions and memory. Therefore, it is a drug with a lasting effect and what you earn, the knowledge that you get, they will not disappear after the end of the drug. This is a very serious assistant in the prevention of senile dementia and imbalance.
And we summarize, item 1 + 2 = the action of acetylcholine on receptors and improvements in hormones, emotions and memory is amplified.
Is Noopept effective?
Yes. However, this is not a stimulant, it will not make you “work”, it is simply EXTREMELY important to observe one condition! This condition is training!
We remember that noopept enhances the action of acetylcholine on receptors, but acetylcholine itself should be produced, how? New experience and training! Thus, sitting at home on the couch and watching TV – nifiga you will not work, although you will just remember a little more. For a complete good circuit, you only need a powerful start – study! Only in this way will “acetylcholine” be launched, which as a conductor will drag your knowledge directly into the neurons, and besides, the nerve growth factor will increase.
The drug is considered harmless associated with the individual characteristics of the body. You may experience allergies: rash, redness, and the like. Similarly, reactions associated with the fact that the drug increases the concentration of neurotrophic growth factors in the hippocampus, it is possible reactions associated with emotions, for example, aggression. But this is unlikely.
Another possible side effect – a headache. Here it is necessary to trace the chain: noopept activates acetylcholine, which is formed from choline, the reserves of choline decrease, which can lead to headaches. The solution is “add choline in reserve”, about this a little later.
The optimal period for taking noopept is 2 months. Dosage = 30-40 mg / day, or 3-4 tablets (10 mg) per day, divided into 3-4 doses. Since the preparation is an amino acid and an ester, it is advisable to take it during or after a meal, preferably protein, since this will be easier for the gastrointestinal tract. After taking noopept, make a break equal to the time you took it. Then, if you want, repeat the course.
Benefits and effect
Optimized “settings” of hormone production, which leads to better life. Improves learning, but again, only with training. Improves long-term memory and mood, due to neurotrophic growth factors in the relevant parts of the brain. In practice, it is seen this way: before you read 30 pages per hour, books, now you will plunge into it deeper and read 40-50 pages, learn 15 English words a day, now 20-25 at the same time costs.
Sleep improves, as with piracetam and phenotropil can be observed FullHD dreams, and logical and beautiful. And, if you usually slept for 8 hours, now you yourself will wake up in 6-7 hours.
If everything is fine in your life, everything goes right, you will see a real white band: everything will go even better, the day will be bright and interesting, even with routine work, and at night will also have bright dreams)
Noopept refers to the Ratsetam, as well as pyracetam. A nootropic effect should be expected after 2 weeks, although it may all start earlier. Some effects are already noticeable in a couple of days (dreams, mood).
The main assistants to this drug are: Training, Choline (Vitamin B4) and Vitamin B5. Choline is sold as a dietary supplements “Lecithin”. Lecithin can be replaced with another interesting additive – DMAE. The essence of taking choline or DMAE is that they, in the body, become acetylcholine, which already uses noopept. This also significantly reduces the risk of headache. However, if you regularly eat eggs or offal (kidney, liver, heart), then Lecithin or DMAE is not necessary.
Vitamin B5. It is necessary for normal metabolism of proteins, fats of carbohydrates, cholesterol and mediators of acetylcholine and histamine. In short, a useful vitamin, one of the few that positively affects acetylcholine, and as a consequence, for memory and learning.
- Noopept is a working nootrop.
- Effects: vital energy (but not stimulation) in the form of good mood and desire for change, working capacity, easier to learn and remember (long-term memory).
- Has a cumulative effect, will start working “as it should” in 10-15 days.
- Noopept should be taken at 10 mg (1 tablet) 3 times a day, after a meal rich in proteins. Course – 2 months, then the same break.
- Add to the course Lecithin or DMAE with a complex of B group vitamins (B4 and B5 are especially important).
- The most important thing is to learn, develop, get a new experience!