Bending with age, nerve cells lead to a deterioration in memory. This process is typical for people who have reached 50 years, and its peak falls on 65-70 years. It is characterized by the inability of older people to remember dates, events, the need to do something, for example, taking medicine, doing something about the house. First of all, if you lose the ability to remember, you resort to medication. Drugs for improving memory in the pharmacological market are presented in a wide range.
Treatment with nootropics
Thus, nootropics are mainly used. They increase the process of supplying the brain with blood, and therefore oxygen, which leads to an improvement in the assimilation of glucose. Glucose is one of the basic substances that improve the concentration of attention, and therefore improve memory, mental abilities.
Nootropics for improving memory and attention Treatment with nootropics, for example, nootropil, is prescribed for elderly people whose memory impairment has reached a level when they are unable to recall the names of relatives and friends, the way home, information about themselves: age, address, profession. The drug is used for one month to 5 mg per day, and then the dose is reduced by half. Improvements in the condition are already observed in the first week of admission.
Among the shortcomings of such treatment can be called addiction to the drug, which leads to the need to increase the dose consumed. In this regard, it is recommended to take breaks in taking medications, or to make regular replacement of one medicine for other drugs that are similar in purpose.
In addition, these drugs for memory improvement are used in the situation:
- deficiency of necessary vitamins;
- transferred infectious diseases;
- craniocerebral trauma;
- a metabolic disorder;
lack of sleep (bad night sleep, insomnia); - bad habits;
- consequences of a stroke.
Treatment is considered effective, due to a number of advantages:
- activate the supply to the brain of oxygen, blood;
- affect the rapid assimilation of glucose;
- restore memory, attention;
- excrete toxins from the body, free radicals;
- increase clarity of consciousness;
- reduce irritation, excitability;
- promote rapid recovery of mental processes.
Help nootropic drugs for memory for the elderly, when the patient’s condition seems critical.
With obvious failures in the memory, improvements become noticeable after a week. The full course of treatment with neurometabolic stimulants lasts several months.
Recovery with vitamins
The brain of people of mature age is influenced by the acquired bouquet of neurological diseases.
For memory and brain work, older people need vitamins. The organism feels a special need in B1, B6.
Considering concomitant diseases, vitamin complexes are prescribed.
Especially for old people are developed:
- Undevit;
- Vinj;
- Biotredin;
- Vitrum Memori.
- Preparations nourish the brain, help to recover from a stroke.
You can not do without taking vitamin Omega-3 fatty acids. The substance prevents the development of dementia, brain atrophy.
The pharmacological industry is developing rapidly.
Preparations appearing on the market guarantee a happy old age, a long memory. Take medication is necessary according to the instructions, taking into account the recommendations of a specialist.
The brain can work smoothly, controlling processes, organs, as in youth. Depends on the general condition not from the case, predisposition, but from the manifested care of one’s own health.