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Nootropics for memory for students

The university is known as a place where self-study accounts for up to 70% of the time. Teachers give basic information, and the rest, be kind, read it yourself, and then tell all this on the exam. And if something else is missed by illness or missed, then it’s even harder to catch up. The session can become an occasion for constant stress, there is a chronic lack of sleep, there is a feeling of endless fatigue. So the students begin, preparing to look for ways how to call a freebie or become a science genius for a couple of weeks, so as not to fail in the exams. The latter way, by the way, is becoming more popular among students – drank a pill, and a couple of textbooks for the night have subsided in my head. On the pharmaceutical market, there is now a wide range of drugs that can help to memorize large amounts of information, activate the brain.


What is memory?

It is a person’s ability to receive, store and reproduce information received from the outside world throughout life.

Memory happens:

The main causes of memory impairment:

To improve memory, you can take complexes of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, dietary supplements and special medicines to improve memory.

Nonprescription medicines


The composition of this drug includes two substances – vitamin B6 and L-threonine (an amino acid that is not produced in the body). It helps to increase attention, stimulates brain activity and strengthens the nervous system. Produced in tablets.

One tablet contains: 0.1 g of L-threonine and 0.005 g of pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B6).

Dosing: Adults: 1 tablet 2-3 times a day for 10 days. You can drink 3-4 times a year.

Ginkgo biloba 

It is a herbal preparation that contains the extract of the leaves of the Ginkgo Biloba plant. It is recommended to use it for large mental loads, increased absent-mindedness. Well affects the vessels of the brain. Produced in tablets.

Ingredients: Ginkgo biloba extract, green tea, flower pollen, dried onion, lactose monohydrate, stearic acid, calcium stearate, polyvinylpyrrolidone.

Dosing: Adults: 1 tablet twice a day with meals for a month. Reception can be repeated 2-3 times a year.


Lozenges. This drug based on amino acids is considered the safest among other similar drugs and affordable. Effective with great emotional and mental overload, insomnia, stress, it is recommended always to students during the session. Produced in the form of powder or tablets.

Composition: a substitute amino acid

Dosing: Adults 100 mg three times a day for a month.


Helps absorb glucose in the body, improves memory and attention. Produced in tablets (0.25 g).

Ingredients: gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)

Usage: adults before meals 0.5 grams twice a day, after 5 days, you can increase the dose to 1 gram twice a day.

Also worth paying attention to alcohol tinctures of eleutherococcus, magnolia vine and rhodiola rosea. They have an excellent tonic effect, perfectly stimulate the brain, and consequently improve memory and attention.

Prescription drugs

Today, very popular are doping drugs for the brain, like nootropics (piracetam, encephabol, phenotropil, vinpotropil).


The most famous drug from the nootropic line. Available in capsules and ampoules.

Ingredients: nootropic piracetam.

Dosing: Adults 400 to 800 mg three times a day, before meals. The daily dose is 30-160 mg / kg – twice a day.


Produced in tablets. Promotes the restoration of processes in the brain tissues, stimulates mental activity and improves memory.

Composition: contains the active ingredient pyrithinol

Dosing: The daily intake for adults should not exceed 600 mg. You can drink the drug for up to 12 weeks.


Produced in tablets. Has a strong effect on the ability to remember, speeds up thinking processes, increases efficiency.

Ingredients: nootropic phenothropine

Dosing: Adults 100-200 mg once a day in the morning for two weeks immediately after meals.

They act quickly, significantly increase endurance, allow easy transfer of large mental loads and stimulate memory. But all these drugs are sold in pharmacies strictly according to the prescription, and to take them preferably under the supervision of a doctor.

Vitamins and amino acids

The effect of taking these substances will not appear immediately, so it’s worth taking care of them a few weeks before the session.

B vitamins are considered to be the main assistants in the fight against forgetfulness. For example, only vitamin B3 can improve memory by more than 40%. Drinking them is recommended a month before the exams are taken. During this time, the body will form a necessary supply of vitamins and information will be easier to remember. Also, while studying, always pay great attention to the availability in the diet of foods rich in B vitamins (cereals, cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, potatoes, meat, fish, eggs, seafood, liver, beans, poultry).

Like vitamins, amino acids are natural substances. One of the most famous amino acids, which is able to significantly improve memory and attention – OMEGA-3 fatty acid. It is found in large quantities in fatty fish, and also comes in the form of special preparations that contain fish oil salmon.

In the list of amino acids that contribute to the best memorization – proline, tyrosine, glutamic acid, glycine, etc. Part of them in the human body is produced independently, so the food must necessarily be full and balanced. Amino acids can also be drunk with vitamins for three to four weeks, to the expected mental loads.

Coenzyme Q10 – a substance that is produced in the body with proper nutrition, is a true energetic for the brain. It is his defect that strongly influences concentration, attention and short-term memory.

You can not accept:

Psychotropic substances (LSD, amphetamines and others). They give an instant effect, they allow you not to sleep several nights in a row and remember large amounts of information from one time. But after taking such highly effective drugs, irreversible changes in the brain can occur and health will be irreparably damaged.