Probably, many people after watching the wonderful film “Limitless” decided to try to make their own NZT tablet, since unfortunately it is not possible to buy it today.
So, I tried to understand the topic of “pumping the brain” and here are real effective methods, as well as special medications that will help us develop the brain potential to unprecedented heights.
The first component of our NZT pill is almonds. It is known for certain that almonds strengthen human memory and enhance the ability to memorize information.
The second part of NRT is vitamin B. Eat more foods that include this vitamin (yeast, bread, liver, beef, milk, cheese, legumes, wheat). This will also have a positive effect on your intellectual abilities.
Also, the NZT tablet is hard to imagine without the apple juice extract. Recent studies at the University of Massachusetts Lovell indicate that apple juice positively affects the production of the main neurons of acetylcholine in the brain, resulting in increased memory capacity.
The fourth element is glycine. Amino acid, which improves metabolism in the brain. As the consequences of admission – the improvement of attention, learning. However, the reception of glycine is contraindicated in people with an overexcited nervous system, otherwise unpleasant consequences can arise such as: a sense of fear, internal arousal, anxiety. For admission and dosage, consult a doctor.
The fifth element of NZT is glucose. Glucose, which our body receives from sugar, is vital for our brain for normal work. With a decrease in the concentration of glucose in the blood, brain cells experience an energy hunger, which leads to a loss of ability to use oxygen. As a result, acute brain hypoxia develops, which leads to the death of neurons, headaches, migraines.
The sixth element of the NZT pill is caffeine. In combination with the previous paragraph we get a tasty and healthy (in small quantities) drink – coffee with sugar. Spanish scientists have proved the fact that the use of one or two cups of sweet coffee per day positively affects the ability to focus and process large amounts of information.
The seventh element of NZT is Omega-3. Saturated fatty acids. Do you think that fish oil was given and given to children just like that? No matter how! In fish oil contains a large number of Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids support the plasticity of structures that provide contact between neurons and the performance of the basic functions of the nervous tissue – and have a positive effect on memory ability.
Applying these tips in practice should not cause any negative side effects. However, in any case for confidence and information on the correct dosages – CONSULT with your doctor.
If doctors are looking at this topic – it would be interesting to read your comments about such a prescription NZT pill. As for the more accessible tools that help our brain – these are vitamins for improving memory, which you can buy at any pharmacy.
Keep your brain in good shape!