Hyperzine A also drew the attention of American medical science. Currently, it is being investigated as a possible means for treating diseases that characterize neurodegeneration, in particular, Alzheimer’s disease. It was found that the substance is an inhibitor of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. The structure of the Hyperzine A complex with acetylcholinesterase was determined by X-ray crystallography. Hyperzine A has the same mechanism of action as the pharmaceutical drugs Galantamine and Donepezil, which are used to treat Alzheimer’s disease. Hyperzine A is also an NMDA receptor antagonist, and can either decrease or increase glutamate-induced brain damage and increase nerve growth factor levels in rats.
Clinical trials in China have shown that Hyperzine A is relatively effective among similar drugs on the market, and perhaps even safer than many of them in terms of side effects. The National Institute for Aging completed the second phase of clinical trials to assess the safety and efficacy of Hypersin A in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease in a randomized controlled study of its effect on cognitive function.
In 2008, the National Institute for Aging conducted the first controlled study outside China to assess the efficacy and toxicity of Hyperzin A to improve cognitive function in patients with asthma (Alzheimer’s disease). In this multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase II trial, 210 participants with mild to moderate BA received either 200 μg of Hyperzine A, 400 μg of Hyperzin A, or placebo twice daily for 16 weeks. Although there were no statistical differences in cognitive evaluations in patients with a lower dose of Hypersin A compared with placebo, higher doses (400 μg) of Hyperzin A caused an improvement in mental activity and activity in daily life. Nevertheless, in none of the three groups significant changes in the course of the disease or in the psychiatric assessment were noted, in accordance with the cognitive scale of asthma assessment. Hyperzine A was noted as a safe and well tolerated drug in the study. In the same year, the periodical Cochrane Database reviewed studies evaluating the efficacy and safety of Hyperzin A in the treatment of asthma. Six randomized controlled trials involving 454 patients were included in the review.
Hyperzine A has been described as a drug that has a beneficial effect on improving overall cognitive function, clinical status, various behavioral disorders, and performing actions without any serious side effects for patients with asthma.
Indications for use of the drug Hypersin A
Hyperzin A is used for the following purposes:
– Improve memory, mental functions and behavior in people with certain disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease, multi-dementia or senile dementia. The study showed improved memory and thinking skills in patients with Alzheimer’s disease after 8 weeks of treatment. Another study showed an improvement in the condition of patients suffering from senile dementia and having undergone several heart attacks, after 2-4 weeks of treatment. However, in order to confirm these findings and to determine the potential of Hyperzin A in the treatment of dementia, long-term large-scale studies are needed.
– Improve memory in healthy adolescents. In one well-developed research project, it was shown that Hyperzine A causes a significant improvement in memory among students in Chinese secondary schools who complained about memory problems.
The drug is used injectively to prevent muscle weakness due to myasthenia gravis. Hyperzine A lasts longer than the usual drug Neostigmine – 7 hours instead of 4. However, in order to confirm the potential use of Hyperzine A in myasthenia gravis, it is necessary to carry out well-controlled large-scale studies.
There is insufficient evidence for the use of Hyperzine A for:
• Prevent age-related memory loss
• Increased vigilance and energy
• Protection from poisonous substances for nerves
• Other
Hyperzin A: instructions for use
The dosage of a food supplement with a content of Huperzine A is 50-200 μg daily, can be divided into several doses during the day, but is usually taken once. The supplement with the content of Huperzine A does not require admission during meals and can be taken on an empty stomach. Typically, there is a circulation of Huperzine A, since the half-life is more than 24 hours, and although the “cycle” of Huperzine A lasts for 2-4 weeks, followed by a break, the optimal cycle length is still unknown. Oral:
With Alzheimer’s disease and with a decrease in thinking skills due to changes in the blood vessels of the brain (vascular dementia, also known as multi-dementia): doses of 50-200 μg of Hyperzine A two times a day.
With an age-related decrease in thinking skills (senile or pre-mental dementia): 30 μg doses twice a day.
To improve memory in adolescents: a dose of 100 mcg twice a day.
To prevent muscle weakness caused by myasthenia gravis: prescribe Hyperzine A daily for 1 injection