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Noopept has nootropic and neuroprotective properties. Improves learning ability and memory by acting on all processing phases: initial processing of information, consolidation, extraction. Prevents the development of amnesia caused by electric shock, blockade of central cholinergic structures, glutamatergic receptor systems, deprivation of the paradoxical phase of sleep.

Neuroprotective (protective) action of the drug Noopept® is manifested in increasing the resistance of brain tissue to damaging effects (trauma, hypoxia, electroconvulsive, toxic) and weakening the degree of damage to brain neurons. The drug reduces the volume of the focus on the thrombotic stroke model and prevents the death of neurons in the tissue culture of the cerebral cortex and cerebellum, subjected to the action of neurotoxic concentrations of glutamate, free radical oxygen.

Noopept® has an antioxidant effect, blocks the potential-dependent calcium channels of neurons, weakening the neurotoxic effect of excess calcium, improves the rheological properties of the blood, having antiplatelet, fibrinolytic, anticoagulant properties.

The nootropic effect of the drug is associated with the formation of cycloprolylglycine, similar in structure to the endogenous cyclic dipeptide, which has antiamnestic activity, as well as the presence of cholinopositive action.

Noopept® increases the transcallosal response amplitude, facilitating associative connections between the cerebral hemispheres at the level of the cortical structures. It contributes to the restoration of memory and other cognitive functions, disturbed as a result of damaging effects, such as brain trauma, local and global ischemia, prenatal injuries (alcohol, hypoxia).

The therapeutic effect of the drug in patients with organic disorders of the central nervous system manifests itself, starting from 5-7 days of treatment. Firstly, the anxiolytic and light stimulating effects present in the activity spectrum of the preparation Hooncept are manifested in the decrease or disappearance of anxiety, increased irritability, affective lability, and sleep disturbances. After 14-20 days of therapy, the positive effect of the drug on cognitive functions, attention and memory parameters is revealed.

Hopept® has a vegetative normalizing effect, it helps to reduce headaches, orthostatic disorders, tachycardia.

With withdrawal of the drug, there is no withdrawal syndrome. Does not have a damaging effect on internal organs; does not lead to a change in the cellular composition of the blood and biochemical indicators of blood and urine; does not have an immunotoxic, teratogenic effect, does not show mutagenic properties.

Indications of the drug Noopept


Side effects

Allergic reactions are possible. In patients with hypertension, mostly severe, on the background of taking the drug, there may be a rise in blood pressure.


The interaction of the drug Noopept® with alcohol, hypnotics and hypotensive drugs and psychostimulating drugs has not been established.


Inside, after eating.

Treatment begins with a dose of 20 mg, distributed 10 mg for 2 divided doses (morning and afternoon). If the therapy is not effective and the drug is well tolerated, the dose is increased to 30 mg (see “Special instructions”) and distributed 10 mg for 3 divided doses during the day. Do not take the drug later than 18 h.

The duration of the course treatment is 1.5-3 months. If necessary, a second course can be performed after 1 month.


Where to Buy Noopept


As tends to be the case with many nootropics, Noopept is not usually available at brick and mortar stores. Sourcing it online is the way to go, and it is an easy product to find there. That said, you’ll need to be a little careful. Many nootropic supplements are not regulated by government agencies like the USFDA. Noopept is no different. No laws and government regulation mean self-regulation by the manufacturers.

For a piece of mind, I strongly recommend buying from a vendor that submits its supplements for 3rd party analysis and verification. This stuff is going into your body. There’s no need to take a risk with a shady product. Personally, I like to use Absorb Health for all my cognitive enhancement needs. It’s a well-established source that has been tried, tested, and is quite popular in the nootropics community